University of Notre Dame


Reliable nuclear structure and reaction data represent the fundamental building blocks of nuclear physics and astrophysics research, and are also of importance in many applications. There is a continuous demand for high quality updates of the main nuclear physics databases via the speedy compilation, evaluation and processing of the latest experimental and theoretical results. The nuclear physics research community benefits greatly from comprehensive, systematic and up-to-date studies of the accumulated knowledge of nuclear physics research, as well as from the ability to rapidly access these data in user-friendly forms at the press of a key. Such credible databases also act as a bridge between science, technology, and society by making the results of basic nuclear physics research available to a broad audience of users, and hence have a profound effect on the socio-economical applications of modern nuclear science.

To this end, the US Nuclear Data Program is organizing a 1.5-day workshop entitled Nuclear Data Needs and Capabilities for Basic Science. The purpose of this targeted workshop is to assemble and prioritize the needs of the nuclear physics research community for data sets and capabilities in areas including:

The workshop will lead to the production of a whitepaper that will be used by the DOE Office of Science/Nuclear Physics office to guide future nuclear data activities in those areas that directly benefit the broader nuclear physics research community. We are writing to invite you to attend and to contribute to the workshop. It will take place at the University of Notre Dame, August 10-11, 2016 in conjunction with the Low Energy Community Meeting.

Please feel free to contact the organizing committee if you have any questions.

M. Thoennessen and F.G. Kondev on behalf of the workshop organizing committee.